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EGGERS: The Thing About Hunter Biden's Pardon that NO ONE is Talking About [WATCH]

This week, Vice President at the Government Accountability Institute Eric Eggers stopped by Newsmax to speak with Greg Kelly about the one aspect of the Hunter Biden pardon that no one else is talking about.

“Eric, welcome back. Please tell us something about this thing. I think you have an angle, like you always do, that other folks aren’t necessarily picking up on,” Kelly said, teeing up Eggers.

“The thing that I think people should be paying attention to is while the pardon period begins in January of 2014 — right around the same time that Hunter Biden’s business dealings began in China and Ukraine and Russia — the fact that it was extended through Thanksgiving of this year to December 1st, is telling,” Eggers said.

Eggers continued: “If the Biden business model has always relied on Hunter’s ability to collect money based on the appearance of Joe Biden doing something that matters to clients, what was Joe Biden doing that mattered in 2024?”

“If, in fact, there was any negotiation between the period of the debate in which Joe Biden was unveiled to be mentally incapable of being president and running for office, and the time in which he officially left the race, if there was any negotiation that occurred … and Hunter, as the bag man, had any role in negotiating a buyout of some sort that infringed on legal standards, Joe Biden’s pardon of Hunter Biden would cover that as well.

“And, while we have no proof that that happened, that would be entirely consistent with the business
model of the corruption of the corrupt Biden empire, because that’s how they do business.”

Watch the full clip above.