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EGGERS: In Wake of Hunter Biden Pardon, Jim Biden is Looking Guilty Too [LISTEN]

Vice President of the Government Accountability Institute Eric Eggers sat down with the hosts of Morning Wire this week to discuss the ins and outs of the Hunter Biden pardon. Eggers also weighed in on what the pardon might mean for Joe Biden’s brother Jim Biden.

“Legal scholars point out a couple of interesting things,” Eggers said before speculating on Jim Biden’s future. “Number one: the elimination of the federal tax charges doesn’t necessarily preclude state tax charges from being filed. Oftentimes they are joined because you submit your state taxes at the same time you submit federal taxes.”

Eggers continued: “But the second piece of this is that Jim Biden has been adjacent to or a part of many of the
business dealings that Hunter Biden did with Joe Biden. And if what’s actually being concerned is these FARA violations — these Foreign Agent Registration Act violations — of which, by the way, Hunter Biden admitted in an email that, ‘Hey, we should probably register for this.’ Jim Biden is right there with them!”

“So, when you have phone calls with business people from China, when you have business dealings in Ukraine and you have business dealings in some of the darkest corners of the developed world and very questionable business practices … you know, many of Hunter Biden’s business associates have been accused of bribery in other contexts,” Eggers added. “And that’s very much what the [Oversight] committee was looking into.”

“And I think if Hunter Biden was potentially guilty of that, there’s no reason to think Jim Biden wasn’t guilty of it as well,” Eggers said.

Listen to the clip above.