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BRUNER: Intel Officials Supplied 'Talking Point' for Biden Debate, 'Never Seen Anything Like This'

'How on Earth Does Nobody Care About This Story? How Do They Silence This?'

Seamus Bruner, Director of Research at the Government Accountability Institute, stopped by Rob Schmitt Tonight on Newsmax to discuss the Biden Crime Family and the recent revelation that the intel letter discrediting the Hunter Biden laptop from hell was engineered to be a Biden talking point to counter then-President Donald Trump during the debates.

“In black and white the intel officials are talking about how they can use this as a ‘talking point’, ‘we want to supply Joe Biden with a talking point,’ in the presidential debate. We’ve never seen anything like this —that the intelligence agencies are supplying talking points to one political candidate,”  Bruner says.

Schmitt asks Bruner about all the money that came out of China and was funneled to nine members of the Biden family —and why nobody is talking about it in the press.

“How on earth does nobody care about this story? …How do they silence this thing?” Schmitt asks.

“The media is completely in on it,” Bruner stresses.

Watch the clip above.