Despite Joe Biden’s mumbling and stumbling, the checkered pasts of brothers Frank and James Biden, and...
The massacre of more than 1,300 Israelis by Hamas terrorists still outrages most of the world. The...
With the US House of Representatives selecting a new Speaker, Peter Schweizer reminds us that the choice...
“The Department of Energy is being weaponized to fund the political supporters of the administration,”...
Count Peter Schweizer among the “doubters” of the Biden administration’s choice of former Commerce...
The Clinton Foundation is back, and it’s headed to Ukraine. Founded by former President Bill Clinton and...
“There are no right-wing facts or left-wing facts. There are facts.” That is author Peter...
Donald Trump is currently under indictment for attempting to interfere with the 2020 election. But one of...
Any time fire destroys a paradise, fingers point. But while officials blame climate change for the fire...
Back in the day, “wokeness” at school meant not falling asleep in class. But the Covid lockdowns exposed...
The mainstream media reporters are still missing the real story—Bribery likely took place during Joe...
Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer says the Department of Justice did President Joe Biden and his son...
Peter Schweizer doubled down on his criticism of the mainstream media’s shoddy reporting of the...
With Devon Archer spilling to the House Oversight Committee about the Biden family’s sketchy foreign...
The most recent episode of The Drill Down found GAI President Peter Schweizer and VP Eric...
During this week's episode of The Drill Down, GAI President Peter Schweizer and VP Eric Eggers...
Seamus Bruner, GAI's VP of Research, appeared on the OANN program "Fine Point" this week with...
This week, Vice President at the Government Accountability Institute Eric Eggers stopped...
Government Accountability Institute Vice President Eric Eggers joined Jill Savage and Matthew...